Creating a Level

Levels in The Costumemaster can be easily made with the SpriteKit scene editor built in with Xcode. This guide will go through the process on how to create a simple level for The Costumemaster using Xcode. This guide assumes that you have cloned The Costumemaster from GitHub and have opened it at least once in Xcode.

Creating a new scene

In the Scenes › Levels group in the Xcode project, create a new file and select “SpriteKit Scene” as the file type. Name the file the name of the level you are creating. The SpriteKit scene editor will open after creating the file.

You’ll need to make a few adjustments to make the scene suitable for The Costumemaster:

  1. Open the Attributes inspector and change the Size property to “Apple TV”. Additionally, set the Name property to the name of the level.
  2. Open the Custom Class inspector and change the Custom Class property to GameScene. This will allow the game to apply the right settings to the scene on runtime.
  3. Add a Camera node (SKCameraNode) and Tile Map Node (SKTilemapNode) in the scene. Ensure that the name for the camera node is “Camera” and the name of the tile map node is “Tile Map Node” by editing the name in the Attributes inspector.
  4. On the Tile Map Node, turn off “Enable automapping” in the Attributes inspector.
  5. Double click on the Tile Map Node and draw out your level design. Ensure the map includes a player (Main) and an exit door.


    The locations of the exit door and inputs should be noted when designing your level. Start from the bottom left hand corner and count to the right for the column, then count then count up for the row.

Adding user data

In the User Data section under the scene properties in the Attributes inspector, you’ll need to add the following fields and set the types of these fields:

Field Type Value requirements
availableCostumes Int 0 for USB-only, 1 to add the bird costume, 2 to add the sorceress costume, 3 for all costumes (including “none”)
startingCostume String The costume to start with: Main, USB, Bird, or Sorceress
levelLink String The name of the scene to load when the player exits. Recommended: MainMenu
exitAt String The location of the exit door as a coordinate with column, then row. Example: 5,8

Additional fields can be defined as per the documentation in LevelDataConfiguration.

Linking up inputs with outputs

To link an output to a set of inputs, you’ll need to add additional fields to the user data that include these configurations (“requisites”). The type of a requisite is String. The typical requisite format is as follows:


Where the following are defined:

  • OUTCOL is the column where the output is located.
  • OUTROW is the row where the output is located.
  • TYPE is either the word AND (all inputs are required) or OR (only one input is required). The type must end in a semicolon.
  • IN<X>COL,IN<X>ROW is a coordinate for the column and row of an input. To add multiple inputs, use a semicolon after each coordinate and insert the next coordinate.


Name Type Value
requisite_5_9 String AND;7,9;8,10;
requisite_6_8 String OR;7,9;

Creating challenge levels

Levels that incorporate challenges may need to make some additional modifications to the scene file.

  • Levels should come with their own custom class that inherits from ChallengeGameScene. This new subclass should override the ChallengeGameScene.willCalculateChallengeResults(...) method to check for times, costume switches, etc. This method can be used to grant achievements or submit scores to leaderboards in Game Center based on criteria.
  • The Custom Class field in the Custom Class inspector will need to be changed to another class name that subclasses from ChallengeGameScene. This field can contain ChallengeGameScene as its custom class, but no challenge functions will be performed other than the standard information being printed to the console.

Testing and debugging levels

To test a level, you can run the game from the command line with the --start-level argument:

/path/to/Debug/The\\ Costumemaster --start-level NameOfLevel.sks